Friday, November 25, 2011

Diaspora in liberating the Somali

Since 1991, Somalia has been in a bloody civil war. Millions of people in this country have died as a result of hunger, diseases and bullet wounds. Kenya has been hosting thousands of thousands of Somali refugees in Dadaab, Kakuma and Lokichogio refugees’ camps for the period this war-torn country has been in unrest.
Efforts by international community to bring order in this country have somehow borne fruit as the country is under the leadership of Transitional Federal Government. Credit also goes to renowned peace brokers like Ambassador Bethuel Kiplagat who have burned the midnight oil in preaching peace in this country.
However, the state in this country is still dire and much effort needs to be put to set her people free. This is achievable if only her citizen were to adopt a positive attitude towards peace and prosperity. If the South Sudanese did it, surely the Somalis can get into the same bandwagon.
It is an open secret that thousands if not millions have sought refuge all over the world. These Somalis in Diaspora should champion for peace in their country so that this country can be liberated.First, they have the advantage of information through internet and other sources and they can use it to accomplish a lot.
Secondly, most of them are well educated and can offer invaluable services in transforming their country socially, politically and economically. No matter how successful they might be in Middle East, Far East, Europe and America, they are still Somalis and their brothers and sisters are still crying for help.
Third, the Diaspora are in a position to reach out to international community who can offer assistance including disarmament, funding of important projects and other technical assistance.
This country situated at the Horn of Africa is endowed with the longest coastline in the continent and she can use it for advantage in various way including tourism, fishing and trade. It is a sad story that unpatriotic Somalis have had a field day misusing the Somalia’s coast in carrying out piracy, terrorism and other illegalities. It is the high time this stops.
Relative calm that is witnessed in Puntland and Somaliland can be replicated in Somalia if only the citizens have the goodwill. The neighboring countries are ready and willing to assist in reconstruction of Somalia just like they are doing to South Sudan.

James Mwangi Kanyi


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