Why we like women
For every successful man, there is a woman behind says an adage. Time and again, history has proved this to be true. We men therefore appreciate women; whether they are our mothers, wives or sisters for their quest in propelling us to unimaginable levels.
The character trait we most admire in them is their patience. Quite often, when things seem to be going to the dogs, we lose our ground only for them to sweet talk us to keep trying. It is in so doing that satisfactory results emerge. It’s quite interesting how they are able to withstand verbal and physical abuses for a long time hoping that all that would cease one day.
They also exercise honesty and accountability in money matters. It’s no wonder banks and other lenders prefer advancing credit to them. Honestly speaking, we too prefer them handling our finances most of the times. Whether they earn peanuts, they have always been beating us hands down in administering money. It’s the high time we learn their well kept tricks.
Additionally, they sweat themselves everyday to unsure that everything is in order and therefore make us happy. Although we don’t appreciate their efforts openly because of our egoistic nature, our hearts beam with satisfaction every time they do that. For those of us who are married, we are puzzled how they manage to engage in so various chores after we are asleep yet they wake up before us – daily basis.
Lastly but not last, we appreciate their generosity and kindness. Whether in schools, jobs or homes, women have added value to our lives through their selfless deeds. Princess Diana and Mother Teresa devoted their lives in serving the poor and underprivileged in developing nations. Many other undocumented women of substances all over the world have followed suit.
Why we don’t like women.
As much as we appreciate a lot about them, there are traits that we totally dislike. Top on this list is unfaithfulness. Whether in marriages or in relationships, we men loathe women who are unfaithful. Words cannot explain how betrayed we feel after discovering that we have been taken for a ride. We find it hard to ever trust them and in most cases we opt for separation.
We also detest gossiping. It’s unfortunate that many women find solace in rumor mongering. Many families and relationships have fallen been wrecked by gossip more than anything else.Although, women are generally more than talkative than us, naturally we are able to sense gossip from a far and we aren’t entertained.
Hypocrisy is another characteristic that we hate. Most of us married can categorically say that our wives failed to disclose crucial information while we were still dating. We sadly discovered much later their double life but we had no choice but to stick around anyway.Unfortunately, we may live with them for their entire lives without ever discovering other skeletons in their closets yet others around us are aware about that.
We are completely put off by those women who are hell bent on nagging us. Even the Bible castigates them for this reason. They are known to “strike” when we least expect them to. To avoid confrontation, we prefer to keep it cool. They make our lives miserable that we opt to stay away from them as much as possible.
Finally, we must admit that we are discouraged by proud women. We might be willing to employ them; marry them or even promote them but they miss out because of this very attitude. All said and done, we love them despite their inadequacies. They bring us joy and make our lives meaningful.
James Mwangi Kanyi
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