Saturday, June 6, 2009

On marriage, you are totally wrong Tony M.

On your article titled “Why the male species fears marriage”, you were successful in driving one point home: how ignorant you are regarding the institution called marriage. I am a married man and I celebrated my thirtieth birthday last month .I can categorically admit that there is nothing fulfilling in life than marriage.
According to your argument, this sacred bonding is nothing but an encumbrance to those partners who engage in it for a number of reasons.
First, for a man, his liberty to use his hard earned cash is left at the mercies of his better half and thus he cannot claim to be the master he is destined to be.
Second, the man is burdened with the responsibilities of meeting the needs of the children begotten.
It is tragic that you can advocate for splashing your hard-earned income in unproductive activities such as drinking rather than starting a family. I can bet one thing – and this is for certain – you will regret why you took so long to start a family.
Before I got married, I was skeptic about marriage but the moment I tied the knot, my lifestyle was transformed unimaginably. Come on Tony, save that extra buck for your future family. Time is running out really fast.

James Mwangi Kanyi.

Juba,S Sudan.

Need to protect the investors.

In a tragic twist of fate, thousands of Kenyan investors were left poorer by more than Kshs.34billion when the veil of pyramid schemes fell before their very eyes. It’s unfortunate that the devious schemes dealt a more devastating blow to the already impoverished investors.
A similar fate occurred in America when a firm owned by Madoff, a rogue schemer, busted under the weight of credit crunch. It is the high time that the investors realize that an astronomical return on investment is not realistic neither is it sustainable anywhere in the world.
The government should come up with stringent legislations to wad off those individuals or companies hell bent to reap off the general public.

James Mwangi Kanyi
Juba,S Sudan,