Saturday, May 9, 2009

PM Raila on the right track

There were mixed reactions when Prime Minister Raila Odinga was baptized by Reverend Dr David Owuor on Tuesday. The PM personally made the decision to undergo this important Christian ritual to affirm his of salvation a few days ago. The fact that he has undertaken that crucial decision is a sign that God is going to use this nation in a magnificent way.
The Bible (2 Samuel) tells that King David was the most successful leader of Israelites because of his lifetime dedication to God. There were times he would dance until his clothes would fall off. He was a man after God’s heart. He reigned with great victory simply because he was an obedient and prayerful. He defeated all the Israelites’ enemies besides accumulating great wealth for his nation.
David’s son King Solomon was equally successful. He ruled with wisdom that God gave him. Despite his massive achievement, he described life without God as “Vanity “(Ecclesiastes).It’s therefore commendable that the PM led the way by surrendering his life to Jesus. Other leaders need evaluate their lives and follow suit to pave way for an exponential blessing by God to this great nation (2Chroncles 7:14) – Kenya.